Read the text to answer questions 9 to 11. Based on the text, people … come to the meeting in order to share the ideas for their town. Discuss with the citizens about the town meeting.Ĩ. Open the blogspot to get some information.ĭ. Make some public places at the downtown.Ĭ. What will the reader do after reading the announcement?ī. At tje announcement board of the city hall.ħ. Where can we probably find such announcement?Ī. Read the text to answer questions 6 to 8.Ħ. The underlined word has the closest meaning with … collect some money to support school orchestra. entertain the students at the school orchestra.ĭ. make a sale to sell great books for students.Ĭ. persuade the student to buy great books.ī. To invite the students to buy great books at cafetaria.Ī. To request the students to meet at school cafetaria.ĭ. To collect some money for school orchestra.Ĭ. To ask the students to come to the book fair.ī. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?Ī.

On cloth umbrellas, the pictures are embroidered.Why: All money from the sale will be used to support the school orhcestra.ģ. Beautiful pictures of fl owers are painted on paper umbrellas. It is made of plain waterproof paper or cloth. The beautiful umbrellas is called payung geulis. The bag is very strong because it is made of wood fi bre or leave fi bre. It is draped on one’s shoulder or both shoulders. It is worn in special events like weddings and funerals. It is used to play traditional as well as modern music.Ģ. This musical instrument is called an angklung.

Beautiful pictures of “owers _on paper umbrellas. They _ of plain waterproof paper or cloth. The bag is very strong because it _ of wood !bre or leave !bre. It _ in special events like weddings and funerals.

It _ to play traditional as well as modern music. Soal dan Jawaban Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 210ġ.