Some resources, and most items, may only be found in certain areas of the map, stored in common and rare containers, or dropped by certain enemies. The player begins with 100 health and 20 mana points, which can both be increased by finding certain items. Many resources, notably ores, can be found while exploring caves. The player starts out with three basic tools: a pickaxe for digging, a sword for combat, and an axe for woodcutting.

The game starts in a procedurally generated world. The game is noted for its classic exploration-adventure style of gameplay, similar to games such as the Metroid series and Minecraft. The game has a 3D sprite tile-based graphical style reminiscent of the 16-bit sprites found on the Super NES. Terraria is a 2D sandbox game with gameplay that revolves around exploration, building, crafting, combat, and mining. By May 2019, the game had sold over 27 million copies across all platforms.

Terraria received generally positive critical reception upon release and praise given to its sandbox elements. Terraria features exploration, crafting, building, and combat with a variety of creatures in a procedurally generated 2D world. The game was initially released for Microsoft Windows on May 16, 2011, and has since been released for other PC, consoles, handhelds, and mobile platform. Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox game developed by Re-Logic.